Corporate Partnerships
Why not become a Corporate Partner of the Red Eagle Foundation and work with us
to make a child smile this year.
We will work closely with you to tailor a partnership that will be fun, successful and exciting for your people and stakeholders. As a new and developing charity we’d love your employees, clients and customers to come on the journey with us and help shape our charity.
Charity of the Year
A Charity of the Year partnership can provide a great focus for your fundraising activities.
By choosing The Red Eagle Foundation as your Charity of the Year we will work with you to create a bespoke plan that finds fun, innovative and appropriate ways to get the whole of your organisation, customers, clients and stakeholders involved in fundraising. We can build up strong relationships and throughout the partnership clearly communicate the impact the funds raised will be having.
We are open to suggestions from you team but can also create a plan for you if this is desired.
Please come on the journey with us.
Employee Engagement
Getting staff involved in fundraising and volunteering for the Red Eagle Foundation is fantastic for motivation and team-building. Whether your staff want to raise money or donate their time or skills we have a range of existing activities and events that you can pick and choose from. We also have great experience in working with companies to decide which activities will work best for your business whilst putting your staff at the heart of our organisation and raising maximum funds. Dress down days, baking sales, in house competitions or matched fundraising are just some examples of how you can help develop our charity.
We can offer a variety of flexible and tailored sponsorship packages to suit your business objectives and budget, from events to specific projects. Sponsorship can help to build positive awareness of your brand and reach a specific target audience. With staff highly experienced in the media sector, PR is at the forefront of our focus in return for any financial contribution to our work
Cause Related Marketing
Make a tax Linking your product or service with us will help your customers, particularly those with children, to become more engaged with your brand. We will work with you to deliver benefits to your brand including increased sales, positive media coverage, engagement of staff and customers and positive brand association. donation.
Gifts in Kind
Supporting our work by donating products, services or professional advice is a fantastic way for us to keep over overhead costs down and enables us to spend more money directly on supporting children with brain injury. It’s also a great way for you to utilise your corporate assets and skills for the benefit of a great cause. Perhaps you can offer your accountancy free of charge or donate a high value prize for our auction? These are fabulous ways for you to get involved with us.

Contact us here for more information
or if you prefer, give us a call or email- see details at the bottom of this page