Isobel is an amazing three year old girl who has a brain tumour and has had surgery and chemotherapy to try and help over the past year. Isobel is now home after being in hospital for almost a year.
There where complications during Isobel’s surgery and she is now a little girl on long term ventilation via a tracheostomy. Isobel is on home chemotherapy, and with her long term ventilation needs, getting her out of the house is very difficult. The family try there best to do activities at home so Isobel is included with her two sisters.
Isobel is immobile and spends most of her time in bed due to complex needs. Isobel has many difficulties with her mobility due to her brain tumour and surgery she has had.
The new supportive soft touch sitter and head support and frame from Moorings Mediequip has allowed Isobel to sit at the table with her family, be sat upfront whilst interacting with her sisters and allowed travel to her wider family more comfortable and supported.
This grant was funded by the Kent Wish Foundation and Red Eagle Foundation
