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Leylan's Jurassic visit!

Dom Comins

Leylan is 6 years old and has autism, disordered sleep, IBS, mutism and global developmental delay. He has outgrown a standard pushchair and requires a larger secure specialist pushchair so his family can take him out safely. The Special Tomato EIO will accommodate him comfortably and enable Leylan to enjoy quality outdoor time with his family.

Red Eagle Foundation were delighted to be able to purchase this buggy for Leylan.


s parents, Steven & Louise had this to say "We have used the pushchair to venture out a few times since its recent arrival and have plans for 2023 for more trips to places.

Leylan loves his pushchair, he can sit in it when things get too much and he wants some alone time. (Especially when it’s crowded).

For the first time we managed to take him to ComicCon in London to see all the Marvel/DC people dressed up and ghostbusters. He loved it. During the busy periods he could hide away in the pushchair.

We also had a chance to visit the Jurassic World Exhibit which he was over the moon about. He has watched videos for a long time and was overjoyed with being able to visit.

It made places we have never visited possible so we as a family are truly grateful for your help."

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