TJ is 11 years old and has Pitt Hopkins Syndrome. He is nil by mouth and uses a feeding pump with his swallowing issues classed as serious and possibly a 'risk to life'. In addition to this TJ also requires the use of a suction machine.
Due to the weight of all the equipment the family were struggling to be able to take TJ out of the house as his wheelchair was unable to cope with the heavy equipment load.
After contacting the NHS, they said they were unable to help and the family were not in the position to self fund.
The Red Eagle Foundation were proud to fund this shiny new buggy for TJ so that along with his family they can go out and explore safely.
TJ's mum Mellissa said “We are forever grateful for the help of the Red Eagle Foundation” Charity chairman Wayne Hodgson said “We were delighted to be able to help TJ again. We have followed his progress since we first helped the family in 2018. We know this new buggy will make a huge difference to the whole family.
