Henry is an 8 year old boy who suffers with a condition called Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, this is a life limiting condition with most boys only living into there twenties.
This condition primarily affects the lower body but as the disease progresses it starts to affect the upper body function and vital organs.
Henry has been using his wheelchair for long distances and when he is tired since he was 6 after being diagnosed at 5 years old. The current wheelchair is a manual wheelchair and unfortunately due to Henry still being ambulant he does not qualify for the powered wheelchair through the NHS.
The Trecknetic GTE will give henry the freedom to be able to enjoy life to the fullest and keep up with his friends and peers at school due to Henry's muscles getting weaker and more trips and falls happening daily.
The family are extremely grateful to us pledging to give £6000 towards Henry's wheelchair but we need to raise the rest and we are hoping that this fund raising page will give us the opportunity to help the family.
This was part funded by the Kent Wish Foundation and Red Eagle Foundation.
