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Teagan gets her wish!

Dom Comins

Thanks to the backing of sponsors and individuals the Kent Wish Foundation is sending Teagan to Disneyland!

Teagan has a chromosome deficiency called Idic15. It's a very rare condition that doctors don't really know anything about. She cannot talk or communicate and has no understanding. Unfortunately she also suffers with a very severe form of epilepsy called Lennox Gastaut Syndrome. and she can have up to 300 seizures a day.

Teagan has had a really tough 18 months. She was admitted into intensive care in London with uncontrollable seizures and it was anticipated that she would not come home.

Teagan's mum Emma said "A big thank you to the Kent Wish Foundation. Teagan is obsessed with Mickey Mouse. As she doesn't understand 'playing with toys', her iPad is her entertainment. She only has Mickey Mouse on it!! Teagan also loves roller coasters and she will get to meet the real Mickey"

You too can help children like Teagan. Please get in touch for details.


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